Mutant Creatures addon

Addons / Mods for 1.21.62 / 1.20.62 28.10.24 0

Mutant Creatures introduces enhanced and more challenging versions of standard Minecraft mobs. While some mutants have increased health or altered appearances, others gain new abilities. For instance, a mutant skeleton can fire five arrows simultaneously, and a mutant creeper's explosion is significantly larger. Mutants are visually distinct from their vanilla counterparts. This add-on for Minecraft PE 1.21.44 adds a considerable challenge to the base game.

Credits: Jujustyle7

Mutant Creatures:

  • Zombie & Husk: 130 health, three distinct stages, becoming progressively stronger.
  • Mutant Piglin & Piglin Brute: Neutral towards players wearing full gold armor. Trade gold ingots or blocks for items.
  • Mutant Axolotl: A larger axolotl with a powerful whipping tail.
  • Mutant Spider-Pig: Unrelated to Spider-Man, this creature uses webs to ensnare prey. It is hostile towards creepers and attacks them on sight.
  • Creeper: 120 health, significantly larger explosions, and no longer deterred by ocelots.
  • Stray & Skeleton: 120 health, using fire arrows in the first stage and explosive arrows in the second.
  • Mutant Wither Skeleton: 130 health, immune to wolves.
  • Mutant Drowned: 120 health, drops valuable loot.
  • Mutant Zombie Pigman: 120 health, neutral mob, drops gold ingots, gold nuggets, and rotten flesh.
  • Chemical X: A mysterious mutagen with a 50% chance to mutate a mob.
  • Hulk Hammer: A melee weapon dropped by mutant zombies.
  • Creeper Egg: Resulting from a Mutant Creeper explosion, this egg can be destroyed for shards or allowed to hatch.

Creeper Mutant

Mutant Iron Golems fighting vs spider

Iron golems will defend players against these mutants, capable of handling most threats, with the possible exception of the Wither Boss. The method for summoning iron golems remains unchanged (four iron blocks and one pumpkin).

Mutant mobs of all kinds in the addon for MCPE

Mutants significantly increase the game's difficulty, making every encounter a potential threat. However, defeating these powerful creatures yields generous loot.

Mutant versions of Zombie and Skeleton

Riding a cat in Minecraft

A more recent version of the add-on introduces additional mutants, including mutated Cats (originally Ocelots) and Wolves. Both can be tamed and ridden as mounts. Tame a cat with raw fish or a wolf with a bone, then mount them and hold a wooden stick to control their movement.

Mutant Witch vs Snow Golem

Mutant Pigling

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paul5804Yesterday at 17:45

hi, i noticed there is something missing in this mod Missing dependency with ID

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