Better Faction addon

Addons / Mods for 1.21.62 26.12.24 0

The Better Faction addon is a script designed to enhance the experience of PvP faction servers in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. It adds custom chat commands and features that can be used to improve gameplay and player interaction. Some of the commands are restricted to admins and allow them to set specific conditions that other players must adhere to. Other commands are available to players with limited permissions.

Credits: Mister Art43

These commands are for managing the server and players

Grants Admin status to the executing player:
/tag @s add Admin

Home limit commands
+sethomelimit : Sets the default home limit for new players.
+sethomelimit : Sets a specific player's home limit.

Member limit commands
+setmemberlimit : Sets the default member limit for newly created factions.
+setmemberlimit : Sets the member limit for a specific faction.

Money scoreboard command
+setscoremoney : Sets the default money scoreboard to synchronize with the script.

Command prefix command
+setprefix : Sets a default prefix for commands (Do not use "/").

Custom name toggle
+setsn: Toggles custom name functionality on or off.

Faction home toggle
+setfh: Enables/disables the faction home feature (default is disabled).
+setfh : Configures this option for a specific faction.

Teleport request timeout
+settd : Changes the timeout duration (in seconds) for teleport requests (default: 60 seconds).

Home commands
+sethome : Sets a home at your current location.
+home : Teleports you to a home.
+delhome : Deletes a home.
+listhome: Lists all your homes.

Money commands
+pay: Opens the payment UI.
+pay : Sends money to another player.
+bank: Displays your current balance.

Teleportation commands
+tpa : Requests to teleport to a player.
+tpahere : Requests a player to teleport to you.
+tpayes: Accepts all pending teleport requests.

Language command
+lang : Changes your language (supported: en, es, fr, id, vi, pl).

Chat commands
+chat all: Joins the general chat.
+chat faction: Joins private faction chat.
+chat ally: Joins private chat with allied factions.
+chat : Joins a private chat with a specific password.

Faction creation and membership
+f create : Creates a new faction.
+f quit: Leaves your current faction.
+f join : Joins a specific faction.

Faction invitations
+f invite : Invites a player to join your faction.
+f invite clear: Clears all pending invites.
+f invite list: Lists all pending invites.

Faction information
+f info: Displays information about your faction.
+f info : Displays information about another faction.

Faction home
+f sethome: Sets the faction home (leader only, in Overworld, and if enabled by admin).
+f home: Teleports to the faction home (default: faction creation location).

Faction management
+f kick : Kicks a player from the faction.

Faction list
+f list: Displays a list of factions.

Better Faction addon

Download Better Factions addon 1.21.51
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ejayYesterday at 00:12

will this ever come to console on the minecraft marketplace

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paul5804Monday at 17:45

hi, i noticed there is something missing in this mod Missing dependency with ID

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