Nethermore addon

Addons / Mods for 1.21.62 29.12.24 0

The first thought that comes to mind when you hear "the Nether" might be boredom, but the Nethermore addon changes that. By introducing a new biome, a set of blocks made from a material called Blithium, a shining Soulstone armor set, and two new mobs—including the menacing Wraith—it completely transforms your perception of the Nether.

I particularly enjoyed the new blocks introduced in this addon. They’re a great addition to your arsenal, perfect for building a cool shelter in the Nether.

Credits: The Masteryverse

New mobs

Whispwing: Passive mob spawning in the Soul Grove. Currently tamable like a parrot.
Wraith: Hostile mob spawning in Soulsand Valleys. Summons fire around targeted players and teleports to avoid damage.

Soulstone ore and Soulstone armor set

Nethermore addon Blithium blocks

New plants

  • Soul Shrub: A decorative addition to the Soulsand Valley.
  • Warped Weed: Enhances the Nether's flora.
  • Wither Bone Fossils: Fossils made of Wither Bones now spawn in the biome.
  • Soulstone: Patches of Soulstone spawn naturally. Drops a crystal used to craft emissive armor sets.

Soul Grove biome


  • New Ore: Blithium. Found in higher Nether regions. Smelted in a Blast Furnace to produce Blithium.
  • Uses: Blithium Bricks, Blithium Lamp, Blithium Candle
  • Light Core: A rare spawn in Piglin Bastions. Used in crafting some of the Blithium items.

Download Nethermore addon 1.21.51
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