Ben 10 addon

Addons / Mods for 1.21.62 / 1.20.62 21.03.24 0

Ben 10: The Protector of Earth and his Omnitrix are now in Minecraft PE. Benjamin Tennyson was a brave kid who received a device that allowed him to transform into a mighty alien. Help Ben to recover a lost Omnitrix and fight along his side to save the Earth. Fight with the most prominent villains in the series - in the deadly boss fights.

Credits: TheCommanderCreeper

Main features:
  • Benjamin Tennyson - Ben 10. Give him Omnitrix. /summon ben10:ben10
  • Wildmutt - an alien dog with two powerful legs that allow him to jump high, he is also blind but has a good scent. /summon ben10:wildmutt
  • Four Arms - a big and strong alien, has four arms. /summon ben10:four_arms
  • Greymatter - a tiny and weak alien that compensates its weaknesses with his mind. /summon ben10:greymatter
  • Accelerate - a very fast alien with sharp claws. /summon ben10:accelerate
  • Diamondhead - made of diamond and uses diamonds as a weapon. /summon ben10:diamondhead
  • Ripjaws - live in the water, and move faster while swimming. /summon ben10:ripjaws
  • Stinkfly - is a flying and poisonous mob. /summon ben10:stinkfly
  • Ghostfreak - can become invisible, and can go through blocks. /summon ben10:ghostfreak
  • Cannonbolt - transforms itself into an armored ball that smashes everything. /summon ben10:cannonbolt
  • Heatblast - fire mob. /summon ben10:heatblast
  • Gwendolyn Tennyson/Gwen - a cousin of Ben. She has some magic abilities such as flying or throwing magic balls. /summon companion:gwen
  • Maxwell Tennyson/Grandpa Max - just a simple man. He has combat training and does well with guns. /summon companion:grandpa_max
  • RB (Rust Bucket)
  • Charmcaster - an evil summoner that uses magic to create golems and fireballs. /summon enemy:charmcaster
  • Stone Creature - a stone golem summoned by Charmcaster. /summon enemy:stone_creature
  • Kevin Levin - absorbs magic energy to use it for his own good. He can even absorb Omnitrix. /summon enemy:kevin_levin
  • Kevin 11 - a form of Kevin Levin, when he absorbs Omnitrix. /summon enemy:kevin11
  • Vilgax - one of the main villains, that wants to take over the planet. /summon enemy:vilgax

Ben 10 addon


How to install addons:
  1. Download the addon straight from your device
  2. Find and open the .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
  3. Click it to import into Minecraft Pocket Edition
  4. Open the game
  5. Create a new world or edit an existing world
  6. Scroll down to the Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply

Download Ben 10 BP 1.20.72
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