Ben 10 addon
Addons / Mods for 1.21.62 / 1.20.62 21.03.24 0
Ben 10: The Protector of Earth and his Omnitrix are now in Minecraft PE. Benjamin Tennyson was a brave kid who received a device that allowed him to transform into a mighty alien. Help Ben to recover a lost Omnitrix and fight along his side to save the Earth. Fight with the most prominent villains in the series - in the deadly boss fights.
Credits: TheCommanderCreeper
Main features:

How to install addons:
Credits: TheCommanderCreeper
Main features:
- Benjamin Tennyson - Ben 10. Give him Omnitrix. /summon ben10:ben10
- Wildmutt - an alien dog with two powerful legs that allow him to jump high, he is also blind but has a good scent. /summon ben10:wildmutt
- Four Arms - a big and strong alien, has four arms. /summon ben10:four_arms
- Greymatter - a tiny and weak alien that compensates its weaknesses with his mind. /summon ben10:greymatter
- Accelerate - a very fast alien with sharp claws. /summon ben10:accelerate
- Diamondhead - made of diamond and uses diamonds as a weapon. /summon ben10:diamondhead
- Ripjaws - live in the water, and move faster while swimming. /summon ben10:ripjaws
- Stinkfly - is a flying and poisonous mob. /summon ben10:stinkfly
- Ghostfreak - can become invisible, and can go through blocks. /summon ben10:ghostfreak
- Cannonbolt - transforms itself into an armored ball that smashes everything. /summon ben10:cannonbolt
- Heatblast - fire mob. /summon ben10:heatblast
- Gwendolyn Tennyson/Gwen - a cousin of Ben. She has some magic abilities such as flying or throwing magic balls. /summon companion:gwen
- Maxwell Tennyson/Grandpa Max - just a simple man. He has combat training and does well with guns. /summon companion:grandpa_max
- RB (Rust Bucket)
- Charmcaster - an evil summoner that uses magic to create golems and fireballs. /summon enemy:charmcaster
- Stone Creature - a stone golem summoned by Charmcaster. /summon enemy:stone_creature
- Kevin Levin - absorbs magic energy to use it for his own good. He can even absorb Omnitrix. /summon enemy:kevin_levin
- Kevin 11 - a form of Kevin Levin, when he absorbs Omnitrix. /summon enemy:kevin11
- Vilgax - one of the main villains, that wants to take over the planet. /summon enemy:vilgax

How to install addons:
- Download the addon straight from your device
- Find and open the .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
- Click it to import into Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Open the game
- Create a new world or edit an existing world
- Scroll down to the Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply
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