New Swords and Tools addon by Elingo
Addons / 1.20.62 / 1.18.32 1.09.23 0
New Swords and Tools addon allows you to utilize the excessive amount of ores and materials featured in Minecraft PE. You won't be so strictly limited to only several ores that are used in sword crafting. The amount of new sword types is impressive - 36 blades, every one of which has its design and damage done. However, there is a big downside for the addon, where swords don't have a unique effect on their attacks - they are just regular swords.
At some point in time, the concept of the addon changed and now it adds new tools too. Which in total makes up for 350+ new items added into the game.
Credits: Captain_Elingo
Main features:

How to install addons:
At some point in time, the concept of the addon changed and now it adds new tools too. Which in total makes up for 350+ new items added into the game.
Credits: Captain_Elingo
Main features:
- Air Sword = 1 Damage
- Quartz Sword = 8 Damage
- Ice Sword = 10 Damage
- Magma Sword = 10 Damage
- Dirt Sword = 1 Damage
- Melon Sword = 7 Damage
- Bamboo Sword = 3 Damage
- Blackstone Sword = 6 Damage
- Ender Sword = 6 Damage
- Obsidian Sword = 7 Damage
- Crying Obsidian Sword = 7 Damage
- Prismarine Sword = 7 Damage
- Rainbow Sword = 16 Damage
- Bone Sword = 5 Damage
- Honeycomb Sword = 5 Damage
- Glass Sword = 8 Damage
- Clay Sword = 3 Damage
- Leather Sword = 3 Damage
- Crimson Wooden Sword = 5 Damage
- Warped Wooden Sword = 5 Damage
- Chorusfruit Sword = 8 Damage
- Cake Sword = 6 Damage
- Andesite Sword = 5 Damage
- Diorite Sword = 5 Damage
- Granite Sword = 5 Damage
- Oak Wooden Sword = 4 Damage
- Birch Wooden Sword = 4 Damage
- Spruce Wooden Sword = 4 Damage
- Jungle Wooden Sword = 4 Damage
- Dark Oak Wooden Sword = 4 Damage
- Acacia Wooden Sword = 4 Damage
- Sponge Sword = 3 Damage
- Redstone Sword = 5 Damage
- Soulsand Sword = 4 Damage
- Totem Sword = 8 Damage
- Bedrock Sword = 100 Damage
- Cobblestone Sword = 5 Damage
- Mossy Cobblestone Sword = 5 Damage
- Stone Sword = 5 Damage

How to install addons:
- Download the addon to your device
- Find and open the .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
- Click on it to import it into Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Open the game
- Create new or edit an existing world
- Scroll down to the Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply
- Make sure to enable "Experimental Gameplay"
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