Sweet Pies addon
Addons / 1.17.41 / 1.16.221 2.11.21 0
Pies now can be made with many different fillings, not only with pumpkins. The addon adds several tasty ingredients such as fruits and chocolate that can be used to create new food. New food allows you to fill your hunger meter with true joy.
Credits: manifest., Voxed
Main features:

Although you can craft pies in survival mode, there is a problem with finding the ingredients in that mode, so use Creative Inventory. The reasoning behind this is an inability to place custom fruits on trees in Minecraft.

New crafting recipes:

How to install addons:
Credits: manifest., Voxed
Main features:
- Bananas
- Chilli pepper
- Grapes
- Lemon
- Lemon Pie
- Orange
- Chocolate Orange
- Strawberry
- Pear
- Sweet Berry Pie
- Apple Pie
- Chocolate Apple
- Chocolate
- Chocolate Pie
- Chocolate bucket
- Icecream Cone
- Bubblegum Icecream
- Marshmallow
- Marshmallow on a Stick
- Cheese
- Sliced Cheese
- Cheese Sandwich
- Wooden Spoon
- Knife
- Cleaver

Although you can craft pies in survival mode, there is a problem with finding the ingredients in that mode, so use Creative Inventory. The reasoning behind this is an inability to place custom fruits on trees in Minecraft.

New crafting recipes:

How to install addons:
- Download addon straight from your device
- Find and open .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
- Click it to import into Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Open the game
- Create a new world or edit an existing world
- Scroll down to Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply
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