Dungeon Expanse addon
Mods / Mods for 1.21.51 / 1.17.41 12.10.24 0
The Dungeon Expanse add-on modifies world generation to introduce new explorable areas called dungeons. These dungeons are easily located beneath tall, distinctive towers visible from a great distance. Each dungeon's layout is randomly generated from a pool of 170 pre-designed rooms. Some dungeons feature a second underground level containing even greater rewards—look for a staircase to access it. A rare third level may also be present, offering uncharted challenges and loot. All loot within these dungeons is randomized, ensuring varied and rewarding exploration.
Credits: SyKoSoFi
Credits: SyKoSoFi
What to expect in dungeons?
- Complex and fun exploration process.
- Traps and fights with mobs.
- Parkour.
- Treasures.
- Enhanced dungeon generation "algorithms" for faster and more efficient dungeon creation.
- Improved memory management during the dungeon generation process, leading to better performance on lower-end systems.
- Experimental features that were previously necessary for certain functionalities have been fully integrated or replaced.
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