yFarm addon
Addons / 1.20.62 28.07.22 0
Expand your animal farming capabilities in Minecraft PE 1.19.11 with the yFarm add-on. Domesticate new animals, breed them, and gather a variety of useful resources to become a self-sufficient farmer.
Credits: Gabriel Castro
Quite a few things will change in the farming approach after installing this mod. Let's take pigs, for example, they look almost as before, but their behavior is different. Pigs love to roll in the mud. You must provide them with such a possibility, or they won't breed. Another requirement to grow good and fatty pigs is to feed them from slop boxes. Fill the slop boxes with vegetables on a crafting table. Pursuing such an unhealthy lifestyle, pigs become fat, and you can get bacon from them in addition to meat.

Poultry farming has been expanded in respect of species diversity and by-products. In addition to chickens, now you can have ducks, turkeys, guinea fowls, and roosters. Birds will be creating nests now and laying eggs. Don't forget to feed them from the seeds box. Yeah, that's a box that one must fill with seeds.

Milk goats, and start making cheese. There is no point in milking male goats, it's just a friendly reminder. Pour milk into the cheesemaker and wait till the content changes its color. Goats also really like to poop - always collect that treasure, for it is used in crafts.

Ants are eating crops taking them back to the first growth level. In the process, a leaf will emerge. The leaf is an important ingredient in the creation of plant fertilizer.

The add-on introduces grape, pear, orange, mango, and pomegranate trees. Fruits can be processed into juice. Remember to collect fallen fruit regularly to prevent it from rotting.

Twelve new vegetables are available for cultivation: cucumber, broccoli, blueberry, strawberry, lettuce, bell pepper, radish, turnip, corn, tomatoes, and aubergine. Scarecrows can be placed near crops to protect them from birds.

Credits: Gabriel Castro
Everything you need to know about new farming
Quite a few things will change in the farming approach after installing this mod. Let's take pigs, for example, they look almost as before, but their behavior is different. Pigs love to roll in the mud. You must provide them with such a possibility, or they won't breed. Another requirement to grow good and fatty pigs is to feed them from slop boxes. Fill the slop boxes with vegetables on a crafting table. Pursuing such an unhealthy lifestyle, pigs become fat, and you can get bacon from them in addition to meat.

Poultry farming has been expanded in respect of species diversity and by-products. In addition to chickens, now you can have ducks, turkeys, guinea fowls, and roosters. Birds will be creating nests now and laying eggs. Don't forget to feed them from the seeds box. Yeah, that's a box that one must fill with seeds.

Milk goats, and start making cheese. There is no point in milking male goats, it's just a friendly reminder. Pour milk into the cheesemaker and wait till the content changes its color. Goats also really like to poop - always collect that treasure, for it is used in crafts.

Ants are eating crops taking them back to the first growth level. In the process, a leaf will emerge. The leaf is an important ingredient in the creation of plant fertilizer.

The add-on introduces grape, pear, orange, mango, and pomegranate trees. Fruits can be processed into juice. Remember to collect fallen fruit regularly to prevent it from rotting.

Twelve new vegetables are available for cultivation: cucumber, broccoli, blueberry, strawberry, lettuce, bell pepper, radish, turnip, corn, tomatoes, and aubergine. Scarecrows can be placed near crops to protect them from birds.

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